About Us
Statistical Medicine and Molecular Biology is a research group in the Statistics Division of the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St Andrews.
Members of the Statistics Division are engaged in a wide variety of medical topics through development of methods and/or collaborative applications. From cancer research to psychology, from basic research to clinical trials, we are engaged in many collaborations within St Andrews and further afield. See the ‘People’ and ‘Publications’ pages for more details.
We engage in a number of activities from our weekly SMMB meetings, to contributions to the Digital Health Science Initiative in St Andrews, to the Sir James Mackenzie Institute for Early Diagnosis. We also teach a number of modules in this area including MT5765 Medical Statistics, and MT4530 Population Genetics, and contribute to programmes such as the MSc in Digital Health.
For avoidance of doubt, the group is Statistical (Medicine and Molecular Biology) and not (Statistical Medicine) and (Molecular Biology).